Takashige Omatsu (Chiba University) and Ken-ichi Yuyama (Osaka Metropolitan University) have published a collaborative research article in APL Materials.


Takashige Omatsu (Chiba University) and Ken-ichi Yuyama (Osaka Metropolitan University) have published a collaborative research article in APL Materials.

Takashige Omatsu (Chiba University) and Ken-ichi Yuyama (Osaka Metropolitan University) have demonstrated direct printing from donor ink containing ferrite nanoparticles (diameter: 100–300 nm) by employing laser induced forward transfer with an optical vortex possessing orbital angular momentum (OAM). Interestingly, as-printed dots exhibited spinel Fe3O4 monocrystalline properties. The helicity of the dots was selectively controlled merely by reversing the handedness of optical vortices. These results could pave the way toward development of advanced printable magnetic devices and preparation of monocrystals from nanoparticles of various materials.
The findings were published in “APL Materials” on June 17, 2024.
